Friday 15 February 2013

Wine Lees

Unusual for us to have a go at something different. Wine lees it is then! The bit left over at the bottom of the tank after wine fermentation. Stacked full of goodies and also not so goodies. First off, it was a nightmare to move off the van as it was knackered forklift day - hand-balling 1000L plus is a .... painstaking task. Next up filtering was glacial. Then an epiphany that we'll have to keep to ourselves!

The product flew of the still at 60%+ packed full of super grapey notes, honey, fennel and more. Something we'll certainly being doing more of! Should be in our shop from Monday morn!

At the same time we were running carrot ead de vie. May sound a little wacky, but delish! Fresh sweet carrot on the nose, creamy sweetness with more unravelled layers on the palate and a light sweet rounded brandy finish. Yum!

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